Welcome Imgur

Hello to my fellow imgurians. To celebrate our hobbies, I made a little post about it here: Enjoy.

For those that don’t know what I’m talking about. Imgur is a community platform that revolves around sharing images. (mostly memes and pets). Like most of it’s userbase, I got there through reddit. The community is a lot warmer there and the people are more supportive and friendly. Sometimes, you just need that in this harsh world.

Once in a while they have theme days where they ask the members to participate around a theme. So that’s what I’m doing right now. They asked us to share our hobby. While I though mine is a little different than most, it really is not. My wonderful fellow imgurians write books, make weird plushies, make DnD maps, or fix fountain pens. I never truly participated, but thought I would give it a go this time.

If you want to know more about what I’m doing, I suggest you read this page.

Have fun and please contact and comment if you want!

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