Welcome Imgur

Hello to my fellow imgurians. To celebrate our art, I made a little post about it here: Enjoy.

For those that don’t know what I’m talking about. Imgur is a community platform that revolves around sharing images. (mostly memes and pets). Like most of it’s userbase, I got there through reddit. The community is a lot warmer there and the people are more supportive and friendly. Sometimes, you just need that in this harsh world.

A picture of the rearranged book

Once in a while they have theme days where they ask the members to participate around a theme. So that’s what I’m doing right now. They asked us to share our art. While I though mine is a little different than most, it really is not. My wonderful fellow imgurians play the harp, paint pretty paintings and even make amazing knives. It’s wonderful to see what they all make. Sometimes, I truly get inspired.

If you want to know more about what I’m doing, I suggest you read this page.

Have fun and please contact and comment if you want!

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